I have been involved with Creative Kinesiology since 2016, where I first discovered the magic of being a client and co-creating with the amazing practitioner and teacher ChaNan Bonser for my own expansion and healing. I have a passion for this work and embrace the ethos of Creative Kinesiology, which supports and encourages us along our own individual life paths.
As an assessed practitioner, I aspire to offer a space where I work with an open heart, kindness and compassion to co-create with my clients in their highest and best interests.
In addition to the qualifications listed I am also certified in distant and absent healing.
I practice from my home and online where I offer a beautiful, peaceful and calm space for your expansion and healing.
This member has informed the Kinesiology Federation that they have trained in the following branches of kinesiology.
Creative - LifeTracking
The LifeTracking Series is a 10 day course usually presented as five two-day workshops. It is designed to introduce the basics of energy awareness and Creative Kinesiology’s ‘tracking’ approach. You will also learn the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, practitioner listening skills and many self-help energy tools that encourage health and vitality.
- Find your path
- Discover self-help tools
- Enhance well-being and vitality
LifeTracking helps you to take charge of your life and design it in the way you want - it helps you get “on track”. Following your life path, your life track, means that your energy levels are high, you feel good about yourself, and love to be alive.
LifeTracking offers a range of powerful tools based on the art of energy medicine from many sources, ancient and modern. When symptoms, difficulties or dissatisfactions get in the way these tools can be used to identify them and release the hold they have, leaving the path ahead clear.
Creative - Perceptual Bodywork
Creative Kinesiology works with the whole person. All levels are addressed, body – mind – emotions – nutrition – energy systems – spirit – soul.
Creative Kinesiology developed in the 1980s as a way of building on from the fundamentals of Touch for Health and other developing kinesiology approaches. The Creative Kinesiology approach is one of working deeply with energy, helping people to overcome deep seated emotional, physical and energetic patterns which can manifest as aches and pains, frustration with life, lack of confidence, ftigue and a lack of fulfilment or purpose.
The practitioner and client work together to discover the triggers for healing that are most appropriate for the client, creating the conditions for the body to find its own way of healing. As such, practitioners work with Creative Kinesiology as both a set of skills and as an art form, developing the sensitivity necessary to 'journey' alongside their clients.
At the heart of this approach is the knowledge that we are made up of our stories - that our life experiences contribute to who we are today. Not all of our past is helpful or supportive to life now, and by releasing unwanted or unhelpful results of our life experiences (whatever they are), the body, mind and energy systems can be more able to find a new zest for life and full potential. Using gentle balancing techniques - guided by the innate wisdom of the client's energy system - the inner powers of healing and desire for health can be supported to help restore balance on all levels of the being.
School of Creative Kinesiology
Tel: 01822 880264
Email: carrie@creativekinesiology.org
Website: www.creativekinesiology.org
This member has informed the Kinesiology Federation that they are qualified in these additional therapies. The Kinesiology Federation has seen a certificate of qualification for these therapies, but the accuracy of this information is the responsibility of the practitioner. The KF can not verify other therapies.
The Kinesiology Federation does not accept responsibility for the content of external websites. All our members have been informed that as advertisers they need to comply with the current Advertising Codes.
We welcome direct enquiries to our practitioners, please use the form below to submit your enquiry to the practitioner directly.