Practitioner Search
Practitioner Search

Looking for a kinesiologist?
Please use this search to find a practitioner who meets your requirements.
The majority of Kinesiologists who show up on the search are Kinesiology Federation Registered Professionals (KFRP). This means that they have completed all the requirements to meet the Kinesiology National Occupational Standards, are up to date with their Continuing Professional Development and abide by our Code of Conduct. Some of our members are Advanced Kinesiology Federation Registered Professionals (AKFRP) or International Kinesiology Federation Registered Practitioners (IKFRP) which means that they have surpassed all the requirements, more training and experience (over 1,200 hrs) and have thus qualified for the highest category a member can get to in the KF.
Other members that are also included in your search are:
KF Associates
These members have completed Advanced Kinesiology training and are qualified professional Kinesiologists but still need to complete the remaining requirements to meet the Kinesiology National Occupational Standards.
KF Proficient - these members have completed their foundation kinesiology training and have been assessed as proficient.
Touch for Health (TFH) categories
TFH Proficient, TFH Instructor and TFH Consultant
As well as finding a Kinesiologist who is geographically close to you using the town/post-code search, you can also indicate if you wish to find someone who has training in other therapies.
If you would like more information about what to expect from a kinesiology session please click here. The 'How to choose a practitioner' section gives advice on how to go about finding the best Kinesiologist for you.