
Course Diary

Functional K Practitioner - Introduction

Course runs: 12 - 13 Oct 2024

Course Description

Functional K Practitioner - Introduction


Purpose – this is a prerequisite workshop to give you additional Kinesiology and clinical techniques and ensure that all practitioners are able to call upon the same information regardless of the discipline you previously studied. This enables you to have the language and tools to study any of the Functional Kinesiology Protocol workshops.  It also provides the tools in being a confident, professional health practitioner.

  • 8 ICAK approved additional muscles (these are not included with Touch for Health Foundation Training)
  • Nutrition for specific circuits and conditions
  • How to muscle monitor nutritional supplementation and Bach flower remedies
  • Muscles and meridians revised in relation to symptoms and conditions
  • How to manage a professional client session including holding boundaries
  • How to find priority
  • Wheel balancing and 5 element review including understanding over and under energies as part of conditions and how to balance these
  • Looking deeper into locking muscles
  • How muscle monitoring works

More information on the module incl. a video and contact details can be found under

Course Location

Green Door Centre, Main Rd, Bosham, West Sussex
PO18 8PJ (Click for Google Map)

Laura Knowles

College of Functional Kinesiology
The Drift House, 46 Langstone Road

Contact Information

Mobile : 07969 369792
Email :
Website :

Functional Kinesiology Foundation Course

The course is a truly holistic therapy including 

  • Techniques from the Mental, Chemical, Physical and Electrical realms
  • Powerful emotional techniques to support emotion challenges from the past, present and future
  • Food sensitivity testing, plus information about food and how to test for what the body needs
  • Structural balancing techniques – to align the body physically
  • How to run acupuncture meridians to balance our electrical fields. Learn the acupuncture meridians and the Chinese Traditional 5 Element Theory
  • Muscle testing – how to muscle test. This gives you a direct communication with the body and an understanding where symptoms are coming from. We teach the 50 muscles required by the National Occupational Standards to class you as a Practitioner in “Foundation Kinesiology”
  • Educational Kinesiology – techniques to ‘turn on’ the brain, eyes and ears. This supports learning challenges and makes learning easier for both children and adults.

For more information, please visit